

"Ohhhh. First words of my baby.."
"Ah. This backache not letting me even getup.." "Ahh" "Ahh" "I have to sit down" "" "Jacob" "Jacob" "Can you pickup Sara and give her to me"

"Just a sec babe. I am about to finish this email. I will be there in a minute"

"Hurry up"

"Okay. Just a sec babe"
"Now, what is the word I want to type in" " go...Send.....Annnnnnnd Done"
"I am coming babe"
"What do you want babe"

"Sara spoke her first words."

"Is it?"
"Hey Sara, come here, come here. come to papa"


"Here you come. My beautiful girl"
"Let me pick you up",
"Papa get to kiss you first. umma"

"No, I want to kiss her first"

"No. Papa gets to pick her up . So papa gets to kiss her first"
"First kissie on left cheek..Umma. Second on this cheem..Umma and one more..Umma"

"Okay. Okay. That's enough. Papa had his turn. Now mama gets to kiss" "Umma ..Umma..Umma"

"What did she say?"

"umma" "Mama" "umma" "umma"

"Mama?" "Why not Papa"

"I don't know? What is wrong with mama"

"Nothing. For some reason I thought her first words would say mama. She loves Papa more than Mama"

"No she loves Mama more. So she said Mama"

"No ..No she loves papa more"
"Hey..Honey pie show us how much you love papa" "Umma..two hands full"

"How much you love Mama" "See she loves me two hands full too" "

Saya lv Mama...Saya lv Papa"

"oh..Ohh Saya loves Mama and Papa"
"rubby cheekky.cheeky" "Papa rubs Left . Mama rubs right" "rubby..rubby"        


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