-- Written by Shreeyan Ram

Chapter 18


Declan has been in shock. He could not sleep that night. He has been almost standing outside of Angelina's room the whole night. He was not sure what to do with the knowledge of being traumatized by someone unknown. He is not sure what to make of it. Where does all these connect. First there is an attempt to Kidnap him and now there is an attempt to kidnap his daughter.

"Who should I talk to?"

"My wife is already stressed. She is not just a the bread winner of this house, she has a very promising career. She is just relieved that I am getting back on to my feet"

"On the other hand ,There is an attempt to kidnap my daughter. I must protect her"

"Who saved me during my kidnap attempt"

For the first time Declan was very confused . He needed a friend to talk to.

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