--- Illustrations by Nur Indah S.

Chapter 1

The (Ex) Knight

5-6 mins for whole chapter 1 : 3 scenss
Scene 1
<Screen play note
Veteran Major Declan J Reily's voice over>
<Screen play note: Back of head Shots of Major Reily looking over from a glass window through an Doctor's office. Special effects of phone's ringing, attending calls during office shots. (use crane to move  from back of head to above and then zoom streets...transition to the streets at editing table) People walking on streets, One wide, one close on faces and one close on feet walking on sidewalks and on cross walks>
<street shots start>
anhattan, One of the busiest cities in the world. Those who live in NYC or her Suburbs always have some place to enjoy in Manhattan any time of the 24 hours in a day. I am one of them.

My name is "Declan J Reily", Ex Major
I lived in one of Manhattan’s many suburbs all my life. I still do. I enjoyed every pub and night clubs here in this city during my youth. But.. right now, I am standing in a shrink’s office looking down through a glass window. I can see Manhattan has only gotten busier since I have known her. She still accommodates all. Its one city where Rich and homeless walk side by side. Sometime walking is the only way to get through her regardless of how much money one has.
<Street shots end>

Scene 2
<Screen play note Veteran Major Declan J Reily's voice over and exchange with nurse Amy James. > 

<Steady cam starts. Cam turns with Major looking towards Amy holding the entry door>
“Major! Dr. Sheila will see you now”.  That call interrupts my thoughts. My heart jumped a beat of shame when she called me Major
<It shows Major's face in closeup, "it shows his shame and pain of bombing on 40 civilians by mistake" upon being called as Major>

<cam then moves with Major. showing part of left shoulder then mid shot at Amy's face as Major passes her>
I turned.  I started walking towards the door. I said “Thanks Amy” while passing her.

“You are welcome Major”.

One more beat of shame. It caused a pain deep inside my heart.

That is why I am here. In a Shrink’s office, for a mistake I did quite a long time ago.
<Steady cam ends>

Scene 3
<Still Major Reily's voice over>
<three different angle of the room. One low angle shots which shows major at the entering.  One shows the couch from majors height, i.e. top angle. One top corner showing the room>
Before I could finish that thought, I am already in the doctor’s office. There is a long couch for me to lay down, relax and share my feelings.

I lie down with face up <steady cam>. <ground up low angle looking straight at the ceiling..AC air hushes special effect. Silence otherwise> Straight ahead of me there is that ceiling again. Plain and finished. Unlike my heart it is not occupied. Plain white color. I started staring at it pointlessly. <He Slowly drifts to the past>.
<More silence for about 20 seconds. no voice over>
<zoom to right ear>
I could still hear him in my head.

<distance voice over indicating flash back. Commanding and confident>
“Major. 31.6272 North, 65.4556 East” as he hands over me a file.


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