-- Written by Shreeyan Ram

Chapter 21


FBI domestic terrorism wing in NYC.

David is sitting on a couch in the reception. He is here on behalf of Declan. He has been waiting for more than 2 hours .  When he arrived  he asked to meet with someone about Declan's Kidnapping. Domino cards started falling from there He is sure he definitely touched a tip of some big issue. He was not even allowed to take a leak. He has been witnessing officers passing him and getting into the meeting room. He has been waiting patiently and getting desperate to do something actively. He needs to get hears inside , so the next officer has to carry a listening device for him. He sneaked in a plastic listening device passing the scanners. Removes its cover and gets ready to drop it

He sees an NRD officer passing him.  He sets up 'try a ring tune' in his phone. As the officer gets close, he gets up and fakes to be distracted by his cellphone ringing, He bumps into the officer.  While doing do he drops a micro phone to the officer's coat pocket. 

"Oh, I am sorry"

The officer did not even bother. He keeps walking and gets in to an ongoing close door meeting. 

" Hi all , sorry I was bit tied up , I was closing a file" 

"You just have to get up from your floor. May be too lazy to get up?" Sarcasm from an FBI officer

"Did you  invite me to just pull my Leg?"

"Well that is an added bonus" . 
Another Sr FBI officer breaks his silence. He looks around, meaning get serious guys.

"We have an ex Marine waiting outside who needs an answer. "

"What answer?"

"He says his friend was kidnapped by someone, but saved by FBI"

NRD officer's face shows expression as if he is thinking "Is it so?". He digs his hand to his pockets.  

The Sr FBI officer continues "We are not sure if we saved him. So, just thought you might know something. As it happens often these days  we don't know who we saved and why"

NRD officer thinks for a minute, he turns around, thinks again. Silence in the room

"Do you have a drink?'

They look at each other, "Common Guys. Its just us. Its me , Your beloved Lyon asking"

One officer pulls a drink flask and hands over to him. He takes it , walks towards the water cups on the side table, picks a cup and pours the drink. Comes back and gives the  flask back to the FBI officer. 

He turns around again. Digs his hands to the coat pocket , he picks the microphone, hiding in his palm like a magician

"Are you aware of a operation gone wrong in Gandhahar a couple of years ago?. A pilot destroyed a wrong target?"

"Yes. "

"A family of around 40 were killed except the father. He is here in NewYork" 

He drops the microphone to the drink . A small spark erupts in the drink


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