-- Written by Shreeyan Ram

Chapter 7

The Savior

I walked through the streets of Manhattan while daydreaming.

‘How did I get to this point of my life’, I kept asking that question in my head.

‘I used to be immensely proud and sure of myself. Where did my pride go? Where did my judgmental mentally go?’

I kept walking.

‘I love my wife very much. I am not sure if she knows how much I appreciate her’

‘I am lucky to be a father of such a loving child.’

‘God must love me very much. He still gave me few souls that love me whom I love very much’

I am not sure how I got into that valley. It was a narrow road connecting 5th and 6th, at midnight. Almost no one would go there at that time of the night.

I could see group of two men attempting to dump a huge trash into the dumpster. I did not pay much attention initially. But that trash....it seemed unusually shaped, about 6 feet long, 3 feet wide and about 10 inches high. It could very well be a person.

They too noticed me.

"Hey folks what do you have there? Do you need a hand?" .... Since it was quiet a distance between them and me, I yelled loudly at them.

They started to run. My training instincts kicked in. I chased them, caught up with them and fought them. They were not well trained. One low cut towards one person’s belly, back flip to one’s chest, sharp cut to the neck area and a punch to the face. At the end of it, both fell on the ground. I then used my inner shirt to tie them both.

I ran back to check the trash.

It was indeed a man. When I untied the packing around the body or him as I realized later, I heard, “HM..”. He was alive.

Among all of this, I felt a need to turn around as if someone is watching me. When I did, I could not see anyone except those two folks who were tied up.


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