-- Written by Shreeyan Ram

Chapter 12

The Escape

When I gained my consciousness, I felt a slight rocking of my entire body . My training is not needed for me to realize that I am inside a mini van. I am still dizzzzy....I could see the outlines of few men. All of them must be 6 feet or above. The usual seats were removed and we had sideways seats facing each other. I was in the empty space in between. I could smell their shoes.

I was not fully awake when a big hole appeared  on the windshield. Bullet went through and through of the van. There is a hole on the back window also . The van started running aimlessly. The driver must have been hit. The passenger next to driver tried to control the wheel. We must have hit a median . I could hear water, We must be somewhere nearer to the Hudson. 

As soon as we hit the Median , the men on the back of the van took cover and started shooting aiming outside. I maintained my state of unconsciousness. That is the safest play and space to be given the situation. I wanted to go back to my two angels badly. The bullets kept firing. I could smell the blood as my guards went down one by one.  The passenger beside the driver escaped. 

After the van had no living body except me , I heard boots around the van. All these fighting, gun powder smell, The blood smell made me dizzzy again. I was pulled out of the van. But can't see much as my eyes were still not used to the situation. I fainted. I could only remember how bright it was outside


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