-- Written by Shreeyan Ram

Chapter 15

The Life

The next few weeks were good for me. Life got as usual it could be for me. I was discharged from the hospital, I finally went to meet my friend , he recommended to a private security consultants job with 3 figure hourly rate. My wife was happy that I am finally turning a leaf. My kidnap attempt was in the past. As much as I wanted to know the real reason behind my kidnap, I decided to settle with FBI's explanation of " I was a victim of a local drug mafia. They misidentified me as someone else".  

"You must be safe now. We will watch you and your family closely without interfering" etc etc was promised by my FBI Liaison. 

Weeks went by. No threatening incident happened after that. I became bolder to the point I stayed late at Central Park, I took my daughter also by myself.  We played ball. All of us went for dinner. We even visited Janet and Paul which was not pleasant.  But Janet was less insulting.

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