-- Written by Shreeyan Ram

Chapter 6

The Angels

<Screenplay note:  Major Declan's home. Camera movements are little bit energetic going forward to show the speedy pace>
After therapy Declan comes home.

“Honey I am home”

I yelled out of happiness as soon as I entered my home. This is the one place that makes me feel worth living. That is because I am coming back to my two angels.

“Come on in dear. Look who is visiting us Today”.

This is my first angel, my wife. The tone in her voice indicated trouble.

My excitement dropped as soon as I realized who is visiting us Today.

“Janet and Paul…I mean Mom and dad”

I forced a smile on my face.

“Surprise. Surprise son”

Paul greets me. I smelled sarcasm clearly. He also points his eyes towards his wife, Janet who is sitting behind him. She could not see Paul's face. He widens his eyes as if he warns me to be prepared for the worst.

“Is this my hard-working son in law”

This was Janet. I walked towards her. I wanted to greet her to give my wife some peace of mind.

Janet hugs me without standing up. I had to bend over. She knew I am stay at home dad at this moment.

“Dad. Grandma wants us to spend Thanksgiving at her place.”

This is my other angel. In fact, we named her Angelina. She is turning 6 in a couple of weeks.

“Yes Declan. I have invited. You can also join them”

“Mom. Be sensitive”

In the middle of conversation between Janet and my wife, Paul said to my Daughter.

“Angie! why don’t you go inside and play in the yard. I think we are going to discuss how useless your father is”

As soon as Angelina heard those words, she gave a good stare to his eyes.

My wife had to step in. she got up and literally gave a push to Angelina.
“Common Honey. Go and play”.

She started moving and then stopped and said,

“Grandma I think we will spend Thanksgiving at our home. You two can also join us”.

She did not wait for an answer. I followed her. My wife did not try to stop her. She knows how I feel around Janet.

“Well, now we have two idiots supporting a lazy man” , I could hear Janet and my wife talking  behind me as I walked towards my bedroom.

“Mom. He is going through a rough patch. He will get better”


“It does not matter. When I took my vows, I promised him to support him through his sickness as well. What part of that must I explain to you. Do you realize you are making him sicker? Can’t you be a little bit supportive”

“For how long? He has been slacking for last 3 years. How long do you think you can support him? His yolk is shattered. He is of no use anymore. Throw him out”

“That’s up to me to decide. “

“Do you even know why he is sick? He talks only to his Shrink”

“I trust Declan. There must be a good reason why he is not sharing all”
I could hear all of them clearly from the bedroom. Angelina forgot about the conflict. She went to her room to play with her toys. I wish I can be like a child and forget all. To my sadness I am not.

I decided to take a walk.

As I passed them on my way out, no one spoke a word. My Mother-In-law had a grin face. My Father-In-Law was quiet.

“Honey. I am going to…may be fill gas to my car or take a walk or both. “…

“Janet, Paul. It was nice of you to visit. I will meet you later”.

I did not wait for them to response. I kept moving.


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