-- Written by Shreeyan Ram

Chapter 19

The Friend

Declan explains the story to his friend David.

"Dave! I don't know how to react to this?"

"Where is Angelina now?"

"Angelina And Julie visiting her parents upstate"

"Did Angelina mention anything to Julie?"

"No . She is very mature. She understood I didn't want to mention it to her mother. She got the Que. I didn't even have to tell her"

" Hm..that's good."  "I am in the same dilama as you. I also am not sure if keeping Julie in the dark is good or bad " as Dave spoke, his face is in deep thinking.

One could see there is a lot of thought going in his brain. Both fall into deep thinking, Dave breaks the silence after few seconds.

"I think making sure both are safe is the first thing we should do. I can post couple of guys from my security agency. They would shadow Julie and Angelina"

"Dave , I can't ask you to do that. You know I can't ask Julie to pay for it. "

"It's okay man . What are friends for. I will pay for it. Once all sorts out we can discuss"

Declan looks at him with gratitude mixed with love of friendship, he could only sigh. Dave continues

"I will also check with my FBI contacts if they know anything. I think that would be the correct starting point. I don't believe your kidnap was accidental."

Declan nods in agreement. He takes a deep breath and looks up David.

"Thanks Buddy" David also takes a deep breath and gets up

"Now, do you want more juice or something stronger"

Dave asks as he walks towards the refrigerator


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