-- Written by Shreeyan Ram

Chapter 9

The Agents

As I was preparing to call the emergency line a patrol car pulled up.

Two officers approached with guns out.

"Hands up where we can see it"

I obeyed.

"Lie on your belly, face down"

I followed the orders. The bright lights were blinding me anyways. I was glad to lie down even though the floor was next to a Dumpster and thus filthy.

One officer approached me and put handcuffs on. Meanwhile the other officer observed that there are two thugs lying down tied up and approached to grab them,

"What is going on here?"

"Officers please call an ambulance. This guy is still alive. Those thugs were trying to dump him alive"

"Dump him alive?"

He checked the guy and radioed the emergency dispatch.

Then he helped me to stand up.

"Probably they though he is dead" I Said

Surprisingly, the ambulance was there within a minutes. They must have been close by.
An officer goes "well that was fast" "We received a call 10 minutes ago. that was not fast" 

They started doing their job right away. Checked the pulse of the guy in the wrap. Put on Oxygen mask, checked his vitals and prepared to load him to the hospital.

As I was talking to the officers, I see another car pull up and couple of decently dressed folks step down. I recognize those body languages in my sleep.

They approached the other officer. Officer who was helping me stood up, helped me towards the cop car and then joined them.

Moments later I was let go. A set of folks in suites approached me.

"Hello Major"

He extended his hand. I shook his. They obviously knew who I am.

"I am agent Ross, and this is Agent Risa. Double R's"

He chuckled for his own dry joke.

“We are from FBI” . I knew right away they are not FBI, a Gov agency definitely but not FBI. I got curious and decided to let it play . One shall say it is my training instinct . 

” Hello, pleasure to meet you both”

"Why were you here?" 

"I was taking a walk"

"Do you walk these back roads at this area  and at this time? You must think that you have nothing to loose"

I let a dry smile out. What shall I say, even though the agent was joking , he actually captured my thoughts correctly. 

A moment of silence among us. They looked at each other with no reaction in their faces.

"Anyhow. We like to thank you for saving one of us"

I was taken back a little with that information.

"You mean he is also a....FBI agent "


My curiosity went up. What have I interrupted?

"Once again thanks, that is all we can do"

So called FBI agents started walking back


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