-- Written by Shreeyan Ram

Chapter 17

The Rescue

Angar fetched the ball while Angelina was approaching. He could see Declan talking over the phone. Angelina approached,

"Thank you sir"

He nods his head and hands the ball over to Angelina.

His face was still rigid but flexed more than normal , still no one would be able to read his emotions.

He signed, "What is your name"

Angelina could not understand his signs.

He takes a bead chain out of his pocket and give it to Angelina. Angelina hesitates to accept , he is a stranger after all. She tries to get out fast.

He grabs her hand with a grip. By then Declan sees them and rushes towards them, Angar leaves Angelina and runs fast .

Declan did not see his face, he reached Angelina in a jiff,

"Are you okay?" He had to kneel and hold her tight before she could answer.

She could still hear his heavy breathing

"Yes Daddy." Declan looks up to see if he can checkout the man,

Angar was long gone. Declan begins to realize that it was not one mistaken hit

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